Coordination Initiative

NADTC works to improve the coordination of public, human services and private transportation resources for states and local communities.

To promote improved partnerships in transportation programs and to highlight coordination work across the country, the National Aging & Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) has launched a Coordination Initiative. The Coordination Campaign is designed to provide education and technical assistance around coordination activities in addition to the coordination, planning and public participation resources already developed. The Coordination Campaign is being guided by the NADTC Coordination Advisory Committee (CAC) which consists of professionals from the private and public sectors across the United States.  This committee is providing direction to NADTC as tools, resources, case studies, promising practices and informational and educational pieces are being developed.

Coordination Initiative projects guided by the CAC include the following:

  • Coordination Committee Toolkit  This toolkit is divided into three sections, Getting Ready, Growing the Table, and Organization and Planning, to assist coordination committees at whatever stage they are at.
  • Coordination Case Studies  Read about four projects that portray unique examples of how coordination works to improve accessible transportation options.
  • Community Coordination Initiatives  Two communities were chosen to work with NADTC staff to build and strengthen their coalition team and develop an action plan to improve local transportation options.
  • Coordination in Planning  The Coordination in Planning resource will be helpful in community coordination efforts to connect with new partners and also, for those already collaborating to assemble in a common setting. For an extensive coordination toolkit, it is recommended to be used with the NADTC Coordination Committee Toolkit.

If you are interested in highlighting your work in coordination, or need specific assistance on coordination, please email

NADTC Coordination Advisory Committee

NADTC selected stakeholders for this committee from a variety of public and private organizations, in rural and urban areas, in different sectors from across the country.

NADTC Coordination Resources & Publications

View resources to support coordination, planning, and participation.

Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility

Learn more about the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM), an interagency council that works to coordinate funding and provide expertise on human services transportation.

NADTC Coordination Webinars

NADTC hosted webinars around transportation coordination