Past Opportunities:

Woman with walker using van's lift to exit van with the help of driver

Past Opportunities:

2019 Innovations in Accessible Mobility: Implementation to Increase Transportation Access Grant Funding Opportunity [CLOSED]


This grant opportunity is intended to support the implementation of program innovations that were developed by the ten Getting Ready to Innovate grantees. Program innovations are intended to increase the availability and accessibility of community transportation services for people with disabilities and older adults. Proposed innovations must have as their purpose the removal of barriers to transportation and expansion of mobility options and must be ready for implementation on day 1 of the new grant project. Only the ten current NADTC planning grantees may apply.

Applicants under this opportunity must be able to name and clearly describe the innovation(s) they intend to implement; provide evidence that the selected innovation was developed with the active participation of older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers; and be supported by the transportation, aging and disability communities. Selected projects will further develop and refine the chosen program innovation(s) and may include a pilot test early in the project. However, these projects focus on implementation of the selected transportation service(s), resulting in increased access to transportation that works for older adults and people with disabilities living in the community.

Funding Amount

Grants of up to $65,000-$70,000 each will be awarded to as many as six communities for a seven month period, February – August 2019.

Qualified Applicants

Only the ten current Getting Ready to Innovate Grantees may apply.

2018 Getting Ready to Innovate Grant Funding Opportunity [CLOSED]

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is excited to announce a new grant program, Getting Ready to Innovate. These planning projects will serve as incubators to develop innovations and build community support and commitment for increasing the availability and accessibility of community transportation services for people with disabilities and older adults. Grants of up to $20,000 each will be awarded to as many as ten communities for a six month period. Local and regional private nonprofit or government organizations may apply.  The deadline for grant applications is May 31, 2018. For more information, contact Melissa Gray, NADTC Program Manager at or 202-872-0888.


This grant opportunity is intended to support the development of program innovations designed to increase the availability and accessibility of community transportation services for people with disabilities and older adults. Proposed innovations must have as their purpose the removal of barriers to transportation and expansion of mobility options. Applicants under this opportunity have an idea for an innovation that can fill current gaps in service and is likely to meet identified needs. Unlike a project that is ready to implement, the proposed innovation needs to be more fully developed, may not yet have full support from the transportation, aging and disability communities and may not have fully engaged the active participation of older adults people with disabilities and caregivers. These projects will serve as incubators to test and refine innovative ideas and develop community support and commitment to move toward full implementation. The process of innovation development to be supported under this grant program is meant to prepare and refine the innovative idea, and may include a pilot test and involve early innovation steps. Funded projects will be expected to include these specific elements:

  • An inclusive process that engages older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers in all phases of the project (e.g., creation of an advisory group, focus groups, surveys, etc.);
  • Collaboration involving local transportation, aging and disability organizations and stakeholders;
  • Coordination with local transportation planning processes and exploration of funding options to support the innovation;
  • Data collection to identify current transportation options, gaps, needs and user preferences.
  • Development of a framework for moving the concept forward toward full implementation after the grant period ends.

Funding Amount

Grants of up to $20,000 each will be awarded to as many as ten communities for a six month period.

Qualified Applicants

Local and regional private nonprofit or government organizations may apply for this funding opportunity.  Eligible applicants include (but are not limited to) the following: Public Transit Agencies; Councils of Government; Metropolitan Planning Organizations; Tribal agencies (e.g., Title VI Aging Programs, Tribal Transit Agencies); Area Agencies on Aging; Community Action Agencies; Centers for Independent Living; ARCs (Intellectual Disability service organizations); and other community organizations involved in the administration, delivery or coordination of public transit, human services transportation, aging, or disability services.

2018 Getting Ready to Innovate Grant Application Information and Instructions (click to download in PDF or Word)

NADTC Getting Ready to Innovate Grants RFP PDF

NADTC Getting Ready to Innovate Grants RFP Word


Innovations in Accessible Mobility [CLOSED]
We announced 2017 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grant Awards. You can read more about last year’s awarded projects here.

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is inviting applications for development of program innovations that increase accessible transportation options for older adults and people with disabilities and maximize the utilization of Section 5310 and other federal funding investments. This grant opportunity is intended to support program innovations and approaches that increase accessible transportation options for older adults and people with disabilities living in the community and maximize the utilization of Section 5310 and other federal funding investments. Request for Proposals (this document includes detailed information on the grant program, a copy of the application questions found in the online system, and details on how your application will be reviewed).

  • Total Funding Amount Available: Grants of up to $50,000 each will be awarded to as many as six communities for a twelve month period.
  • Proposals Due: August 26, 2016