Author Archive
Rural Missouri Health Network Plans Regional Ride System
Comments OffSpecial thanks to guest bloggers Kelly Ast, Project Director, Rides to Health & Wealth and to Patty Cantrell, Director of New Growth for preparing this post. This article provides an overview of how organizations in rural west central Missouri collaborated to form the region’s Rides to Health and Wealth program to address rural transportation issues. Rural communities across America…
Proceedings of a Workshop – Ushering in an Era of New Mobility: People, Community and Technology
Comments OffThe following is the last in a series of seven blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. In this last blog of the series, the need for transactional data specifications to efficiently provide demand response transportation. Many older adults and people with disabilities have difficulty in reaching medical appointments,…
Procuring Technology for Computer-Aided Scheduling & Dispatch
Comments OffThe following is the fourth in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. This blog focuses on the stages of procuring technology for scheduling demand response transit. Based on experience scheduling demand response transit manually and with software, pleased be assured that using technology is the…
Components of an RFP
Comments OffThe following is the fifth in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. In this blog, will discuss using a Request for Proposals (RFP) a method for procuring transit technology. As discussed in my previous blog, a Request for Proposals (RFP) is the preferred…
Demand Response Transit Technology Specifications
Comments OffThe following is the sixth in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. This blog highlights how to prepare a Request for Proposals in procuring transit technology. The technologies requested in a RFP Scope has to be scaled in two directions: the functionalities needed and…
Scheduling Agency-Sponsored Rides
Comments OffThe following is the third in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. This blog highlights the importance of an efficient transit scheduling system. Efficient and effective scheduling enables the transportation provider to stay within budget while maintaining the loyalty of funding agencies. While efficient scheduling…
Cost Allocation Among Funding Agencies
Comments OffIn our last NADTC blog , guest blogger Steve Yaffe discussed how more paratransit rides can be provided within budgetary limitations if paratransit operations and accounting are structured as a shared service, with costs proportionately allocated to each funding source. In this second blog of the series, we continue to look at paratransit cost-allocation, with a specific focus on how…
Paratransit Cost Allocation
Comments OffThank you to guest blogger Steve Yaffe for writing this month’s blog series on demand response transportation design and operations. The following is the first in a series of seven blogs highlighting the need for cost allocation, transit scheduling and technology. This blog focuses on how more paratransit rides can be provided within budgetary limitations if…
Creating Inclusive Shared Mobility for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
Comments OffThank you to guest blogger, Mitch LaRosa with Shared Mobility Inc. in Buffalo, New York, for preparing this post. This blog features highlights from their 2018 planning grant project whose goal was to engage in research to examine how shared mobility programs can be more inclusive for older adults, people with disabilities and veterans. Project…