Older Driver Safety Resources

Posted on Jan 24,2019 Leave a comment
Photo of female driver and female passenger in car.

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center participates in a twitter chat each autumn focused on older adult driving and options beyond driving for those who choose to give up the keys. This blog highlights several of the resources available at the national and state level. This is by no means a comprehensive list of all programs available but rather a collection of the programs featured in the 2018 #ODSAWChat.

Each year during the first week of December, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) hosts a Twitter Chat to celebrate national Older Driver Safety Awareness Week. This year’s #ODSAWchat included a number of resources from national associations and government agencies that may not surface in a cursory search for older driver information, safety training, or options beyond driving.

Resource Clearinghouses

Safe Mobility for Life
A statewide Florida coalition supported by the Florida Department of Transportation and Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy at Florida State University, Safe Mobility for Life’s goal is to improve “aging road user safety and mobility in Florida by achieving a reduction in the number of aging road user fatalities, serious injuries, and crashes while maintaining their safe mobility and connection to the community.” Visit their website for resources on driving and aging, aging in place, vehicle safety, caregivers, traffic laws, and finding a ride.

Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration
Safety for Older and Medically at Risk Drivers is a web page that hosts information about Maryland-specific programs including a Resource Guide for Aging Drivers and driver assessment information.

Clearinghouse for Older Road Safety (Chorus)
Maryland is not the only state that has resources dedicated to older driver safety, and you can find the list of other states’ programs on the Chorus website. Visit www.roadsafeseniors.org, click Resources, then click“Search Resources by State.” Users can search all states and see what type of programs are offered by the state’s transportation or motor vehicle department.

Map of U.S. showing Kansas highlighted in yellow.


Driving Safety

National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association
NMEDA promotes awareness of the adaptive transportation solutions available to people with disabilities, their families, and their caregivers. Drivers and passengers can explore the types of equipment available to those who need controls, restraints, ramps or other features, and the website also includes information on financing.

Merck Manual
Merck Manual is one of the “most widely used comprehensive medical resources for professionals and consumers.” The Consumer Version of the manual includes a page on Older Drivers. Information includes crash rates and traffic violations and reasons for impaired driving, ways of compensating (e.g., driver refresher courses and medical care), driver decision making, and warning signs of unsafe driving.

AARP Smart Driver Course

AARP offers safe driving courses, workshops, and supports CarFit–a program that assists drivers to make adjustments to their vehicles, seating, and mirrors for both comfort and safety.

Beyond Driving

Rides in Sight
ITN America’s (Independent Transportation Network) website Rides in Sight lists transportation providers across the nation for drivers who are looking to give up the keys. Searches are available by state or zip, county, and keywords.

Additional Resources Available on the NADTC Website

Before You Give Up the Keys

Driver Safety and Transition Course Materials

Older Driver Safety and Transition


Photo credits: Chorus website map; Life Path Rides for Health Volunteer Drivers (Greenfield, MA)
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