9 articles found in ‘Rural Transportation’ Category
Procuring Technology for Computer-Aided Scheduling & Dispatch
Comments OffThe following is the fourth in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. This blog focuses on the stages of procuring technology for scheduling demand response transit. Based on experience scheduling demand response transit manually and with software, pleased be assured that using technology is the…
Components of an RFP
Comments OffThe following is the fifth in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. In this blog, will discuss using a Request for Proposals (RFP) a method for procuring transit technology. As discussed in my previous blog, a Request for Proposals (RFP) is the preferred…
Demand Response Transit Technology Specifications
Comments OffThe following is the sixth in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. This blog highlights how to prepare a Request for Proposals in procuring transit technology. The technologies requested in a RFP Scope has to be scaled in two directions: the functionalities needed and…
Scheduling Agency-Sponsored Rides
Comments OffThe following is the third in a series of blogs on demand response transportation design and operations from guest blogger Steve Yaffe. This blog highlights the importance of an efficient transit scheduling system. Efficient and effective scheduling enables the transportation provider to stay within budget while maintaining the loyalty of funding agencies. While efficient scheduling…
Cost Allocation Among Funding Agencies
Comments OffIn our last NADTC blog , guest blogger Steve Yaffe discussed how more paratransit rides can be provided within budgetary limitations if paratransit operations and accounting are structured as a shared service, with costs proportionately allocated to each funding source. In this second blog of the series, we continue to look at paratransit cost-allocation, with a specific focus on how…
University Transportation Center Summit: Key Takeaways and Trends
Comments OffCurious about the issues and topics that are foremost on the minds of university transportation researchers, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and professionals from highway, public transportation, freight, and alternative transportation? NADTC staff attended the second annual National Mobility Summit of the U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Centers this spring in Washington, D.C., and…
Tracking Trends & Innovations in Demand Response Service
Comments OffWe welcome guest blogger Steve Yaffe of Yaffe Mobility Consulting & Project Manager for NADTC’s Implementation Grants. Steve most recently served as Transit Services Manager for the Arlington County (VA) Department of Environmental Services – Transportation Division, where he oversaw planning and operations for Arlington Transit (ART) fixed-route transit as well as Specialized Transit for…
Michigan’s Statewide Approach to Connecting Transportation & Information
Comments OffThank you to guest blogger Vanessa V. Hansle, CEO/COO, Michigan Transportation Connection, and to Tom Page, Executive Director, Michigan 2-1-1 and Emily Houk, CEO, Research to Practice Consulting, LLC for preparing this post. The Michigan Transportation Connection (MTC): A Statewide Approach to Connecting Transportation & Information Finding transportation can be a daunting task for individuals…
Section 5307, 5310, and 5311: Using Non-DOT Federal Funds for Local Match
Comments OffWhen it comes to applying for Federal Transit Administration grant funding under the Section 5307 (Urbanized Area and Passenger Ferry in Urbanized Areas), Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities), and Section 5311 (Rural Areas) programs, determining the type of funds that may be used for local match can be critical, but…