Click here for the urban and suburban presentation slides
Click here for the rural, tribal and frontier presentation slides
NADTC will convene Virtual Transportation Equity Stakeholder Meetings on June 21 and June 23. The meeting on June 21st is targeted to urban and suburban areas and the meeting on June 23rd is for rural, tribal and frontier areas. These meetings will be conducted as open forums with opportunities for transportation stakeholders who provide and/or care passionately about community transportation for diverse older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers to share their perspectives and experiences. Public transit and human services transportation providers and other stakeholders, including aging, disability and diversity professionals and advocates, are invited.
The perspectives stakeholders bring to the table will enhance our understanding of the challenges involved in ensuring transportation equity for everyone and help us identify lessons learned from transportation equity efforts, including those that succeeded and those that did not.
Both meetings will follow the same agenda. Since attendance at these meetings is limited, we ask you to please register for only one meeting. Choose the meeting that best reflects your needs.